Cindy Lao

About Me

Hello, my name is Cindy

cindy lao
siena, italy, cindy lao
cindy lao
cindy lao

I live in

Seattle, Washington

The rain and the fact that the sun sets at 4PM in the winter is rough… however, I appreciate Seattle’s perfect blend of city life and nature where tall buildings, lakes, and greenery coexist.

I immigrated

to the U.S. with my parents from China when I was young, and grew up speaking English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. 

I am

a graduate from the University of Washington, with a double degree of B.S. in Public Health and B.A. in Dance.

I believe

that money, love, and all other good things in the world are meaningless if one does not have the well-being to enjoy them. 

I want to combine my passion for dance and interest in human physiology to pursue the physical therapy profession.

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cindy lao, skiing

I enjoy

dancing, traveling, skiing, running, reading, and eating yummy food at pretty restaurants, and roller coasters.

“Good times become good memories, 
but bad times make good lessons.”

– Uncle Iroh

“Even in the material world, you will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it…But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.”

– Uncle Iroh